Masjid open for the following prayers: Zhur - 1.30pm, Asr - 5.30pm, Maghreb - 8.30pm (time will change daily accordingly by a few minutes) and Isha - 9.45pm. Gates open 20 minutes before prayers. NB: the gates close when prayers started so please don’t be late. Before attending the Masjid it is mandatory to fill out this form and email it back to [email protected]
08/03/2021 - MASJID RE-OPENING
UPDATE RE-OPENING & COVID. Salaam to All. I hope and pray you are all well and keeping safe. Following on from the PMs plan for lifting the lockdown. LICS will re-open the Masjid on Monday 8th March for Daily prayers (not Fajr) We will also open for Jummah. (See below) Arrangements for attending the Masjid will be as before:
Masjid opened 10 minutes before namaaz and closed 10 minutes after prayers.
NO wudu/toilet facilities
Registration - is required
Masks - must be worn from the Masjid gate
LICS Sanitiser to be used
Temperature tested
Foot cover provided
Bring your Prayer mat
Prayer space distance increased to 2m.
Children under 12 years of age are not allowed.
Anyone with health issues should stay safe at home.
For the time being any one aged 70 or above should stay at home unless you have had the vaccine.
Please do not crowd or congregate, physical distance applies
Jummah Information: Jummah will be held from 12th March. The 1st jummah at 12noon and 2nd is at 1pm. Gates open 20 minutes before prayers. You must Book a prayer space for jummah each week online at
Plans for Ramadan* is being considered and we will inform you of our decisions. We look forward to your continued support and help. Please remember the Masjid we need your donations.
Saving lives is a duty on us all - take the vaccine when offered. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad owbp said: “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment. “ (Bukhari)
20/12/2020 - The Masjid is closed – LONDON is currently in Tier 4 Lockdown
Masjid is closed. NB: When we re-open the gates will close when prayers has started so please don’t be late. Before attending the Masjid it is mandatory to fill out this form and email it back to [email protected]
Before attending the Masjid for daily prayers please fill out this form once and email it back to [email protected] (you only have to fill out the form once).
​LICS Trustees have a legal duty of care to protect and minimise the risk of spreading Corona-19 to our community, attendees, staff and volunteers.
There will be many changes and we ask that you work with us to make it easy. It’s really important that you read and follow our Re-Opening Guidelines, please click here to read.