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Fasting in the month of Ramadan is the third important pillar of Islam. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is known as the month of fasting.


“Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down: this Book is a perfect guidance for all mankind and consists of clear teachings which show the right way, and are a criterion of truth and falsehood.”  [2:185]


“O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may ward off [evil;]” [2:183] 


Fasting is contained in all major religions but the form or routine may vary, for example in Judaism there is an annual fast on the Day of Atonement in memory of the descent of Prophet Musa [Moses, AS] from Mount Sinai after fasting for forty days. Prophet Isaa [Jesus, AS] observed fast for forty days in the desert and commanded his followers to fast.


Fasting starts at dawn and ends at sunset during which time it is forbidden to eat food or to drink. Fasting in Ramadan is a part of the broader program that Islam prescribes for man to fulfil his moral and spiritual destiny in this world and in the Hereafter.  It is the special worship designed to develop in man the ability to exercise self-restraint and patience for the pleasure of Allah.


Its objective is to give man the power to keep in check his unruly desires and tendencies that make him prone to greed, revenge, anger, provocation and fear; that make him commit various sins, acts of aggression, cruelty and oppression.  It seeks to free the human soul and lends it the moral and spiritual strength to promote beauty, harmony, kindness, peace, compassion and justice.


There are some exemptions from fasting: the insane, minors, and the elderly and those who are sick or those on a journey.


“In this night firm decrees based on wisdom in respect of every matter are issued by Our command.” [44:4-5]


Whilst Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Quran was sent down, Lailatul Qadr is the night associated with the commencement of the revelation of the Quran to our Holy Prophet Muhammad [OWBP]. The Quran came in stages spread over twenty-three years.  [76:23]


Lailatul Qadr occurs in the last ten nights of Ramadan and considered to be greater in merit than a thousand months.  Qadr means: to make an estimate, to determine a time limit or to make a decision.


In other words, on this night Allah determines the destiny, fixes the time limit and decrees the measure of things. Tradition indicates that it is an odd night occurring in the last ten nights of Ramadan; namely 21, 23, 25, 27 or 29th.  There is no clear indication which night it is but most scholars are agreed on the 27th night of Ramadan.


“Angels and the Spirit [Gabriel] came down in it by the command of their Lord with every decree.” [97:4]


INFORMATION:  Did you know that the Masjid pays over 30k in yearly running costs, things like water, gas, electric, fire alarm and appliances, insurance and much more? This is why we really need your help, please donate generously              




Zakaat is the giving of a fixed portion of one’s wealth to charity, generally to the poor and needy. It is one of the five Pillars of Islam.


There are eight conditions which make Zakaat obligatory, the possessor must be: a free man, a Muslim,  of sound mind, an adult, in complete ownership of his or her wealth, that the wealth is over the essential needs of the possessor, free from debt, and in possession of a defined quantity of wealth for the one complete Hijrah year.


SADKA FITR is a special charity it is a duty which is wajib [required] on every Muslim whether male, female, minor or adult.  The main purpose for Sadka Fitr is to provide the poor and needy with a means with which they can celebrate the festival of Eid-Ul-Fitr along with the rest of the Muslim world. Sadka Fitr is £7.00 per person (payable before the Eid prayer).



Q  If I own a property which I do not live in, but rent out to some one else, is Zakaat payable on the rent or on the value of the property or both?

A  Zakaat is payable on the net income from the rent, provided the income is above the minimum limit—Nisaab and remains in your possession for one full lunar year.  When the building is sold the income from the sale will become part of your cash in hand and if it remains in your possession for a full year , Zakaat will then will be payable.


Special nightly prayers called, Taraweeh prayers are held daily. The entire Quran is recited in these prayers in Mosques all around the world. Because of the current situation Iftar and Taraweeh will be held in our homes; Mosques are closed. You should perform this prayer at home with your family.

Abdool Alli, March 2018

"I am grateful and thankful to the Lord for the opportunity he has given to me and that I could help not only myself and family but many others."


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