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Masjid Re-Opening 20/07/2020

Yesterday we re-open our wonderful Masjid. Please all make duah for the protection of all our helpers who will enable worshipers to pray in the Masjid for the first time since lockdown. It’s a scary and difficult time but we are serving our community with due regards to Health & Safety. No excuses. Prevention is better than cure. JazaakAllahu Khayr to all those who have volunteered to help and support us. We can’t do it without that help. Today we remember all our dear loved and respected uncles and aunties who used to come to our Masjid but passed because of covid-19. We remember our much loved Trustee, Sister Eileen. Our Vice President’s Jimmy’s wife. May Allah help and protect us. May He grant all our loved ones who left us the highest place in jannah. O Allah give us strength in difficulties. Comfort us in hardship. Give us understanding in loss. Ameen

Video: Planning and Preparations for the Re-Opening of Masjid

Video: First Day back at the Masjid

Images - First day back at the Masjid after lockdown

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